The Embroidered World
The Embroidered World

How varied and nonetheless how similarly do people all over the world deal with traditional handicrafts such as embroidery. This is demonstrated in this project initiated by the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (FH)-University of Applied Sciences-together with the Grabau Foundation. Many others will hopefully participate, too.

The objective is to collect embroidered samplers in Germany and the whole world, to document and to exhibit them in order to demonstrate the diversity of hand embroidery expressed through stitches, patterns and materials. At the same time, a collection of patterns from around the world will evolve; these can be viewed digitally.

Samplers have a long tradition. In almost every local heritage museum, a few samplers can be admired, for instance, the 1904 sampler sewn by Anna Gabriele Geyler from Königswartha (in Dresden).

Reworked historical sampler from Saxony (

Everyone who enjoys embroidery can participate in the project he embroidered world with a sampler. Size is not stipulated. Each sampler must be hemmed, though, and include name, age and location (embroidered, of course). Samplers larger than 25 x 35 cm should also have a mounting bracket (such as a casing) on the back.

Those submitting samplers declare themselves in agreement that their samplers will be placed at the disposal of the project, may be published and, at the end of the project, may be used for other projects that work to advance understanding among nations.

A short description of stitch techniques and patterns of the corresponding traditions as well as information about the embroiderer would be helpful but not a prerequisite


The first stage of the project-collecting samplers-should be completed by Fall 2008.

Please send entries to the Project Die gestickte Welt in care of one of the two following addresses:

Die gestickte Welt
Prof. Dr. Irina Hundt
HTW Dresden (FH)
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden
Die gestickte Welt
Maybach-Straße 1
06112 Halle/Saale

Further information:

The Embroidered World can also be supported with material donations such as literature on embroidery, patterns, threads and materials and/or through financial donations:
Grabau-Stiftung Reference: Die gestickte Welt
Bank: Dresdner Bank Halle
Account number: 07 510 767 00
Bank code: 800 800 00
IBAN: DE13800800000751076700

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Board of directors: Prof. Dr. Fritz-René Grabau - Prof. Dr. Irina Hundt - Dr. Bernd Neitz